Who am I?

Welcome! I’m delighted to have you here, sharing in the vibrant tapestry of my life and passions. Let me introduce myself — I’m Feiyang, an avid explorer, lover of diverse cultures, and an inquisitive soul driven by a blend of curiosity and practicality.

As a wanderer at heart, I’ve had the incredible privilege of studying in five distinguished universities across four countries. This enriching journey has not only sharpened my skills as a computer scientist but has also opened my eyes to the immense beauty and diversity our world has to offer.

While my academic background lies in computer science, my interests extend far beyond the realm of algorithms and coding. I find great joy in venturing off the beaten path, immersing myself in the wonders of nature, discovering hidden culinary gems, and indulging in the vibrant café cultures that pepper our globe.

Exploration, be it through travel, multicultural experiences, or culinary escapades, fuels my sense of wonder and nurtures my practical outlook on life. I thrive on stepping outside of my comfort zone, pushing boundaries, and seeking inspiration in unfamiliar places and faces.

Nature, with its awe-inspiring landscapes and captivating biodiversity, has a way of grounding me and reminding me of the grandeur of our world. From serene hikes in lush forests to breathtaking vistas atop majestic mountains, I seek solace and inspiration in the embrace of the natural world.

Being a self-professed foodie, I’m endlessly fascinated by the flavors and culinary traditions that shape different cultures. Exploring local markets, savoring authentic dishes, and engaging in gastronomic adventures allow me to delve into the heart of a culture and connect with its people on a deeper level.

Of course, no journey is complete without the warmth and comfort of a cozy café. I delight in discovering charming coffee shops tucked away in narrow alleys or bustling city corners. There’s something magical about the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, the melodic hum of conversation, and the creativity that thrives within those four walls.

Through my writing, I aspire to transport you to the crossroads of computer science, multiculturalism, travel, nature, gastronomy, and café culture. I hope to ignite your own sense of curiosity, inspire you to embrace new experiences, and foster a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of our global community.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to connecting with you through the pages of my chronicles. Together, let’s celebrate the beauty of diverse cultures, the wonders of nature, the delights of culinary exploration, and the simple joy of a well-brewed cup of coffee.